In this challenging game, each player represents one of the “Great Powers of Europe” (England, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Italy, France and Austria). As soon as one Great Power controls 18 supply centers, it is considered to have gained control of Europe. To survive, a player needs help from others, but to win the game, a player must eventually stand alone. Knowing whom to trust, when to trust them, what to promise, and when to promise it is the heart of the game. You’re a diplomat first, a military commander second. The game is most exciting with 7 players.
Contents: 1 game board, 20 count strategy map pad, 315 army, navy and national control markers and 24 page rulebook.
Recommended for 2-7 players, ages 12+.
Contents include: 1 game board, 20 count strategy map pad, 315 army, navy and national control markers and 24 page rulebook.