Speedy Words
Be the quickest to find a word that starts with a letter that matches a category to win a card. Have the most cards at the end to be the winner. To play, place the deck of cards category side up in the center. Each player, in their turn, flips the top card and places it next to the deck, letters side up. A new category card is now exposed in a specific color. On the flipped card, 3 letters appear in different colors. The first player to call out loud a word that starts with the letter that matches the color of the category wins the card. A new card is immediately flipped and another round starts. The game ends when only one card is left in the deck. The winner of the game is the player that collected the most cards. It’s simple, quick, smart fun!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 60 Round Cards, 1 Category Card, Instructions