Uncle Wiggily Game
Help Uncle Wiggily move right along, give him two hops and sing a song! “Hop Uncle Wiggily ahead by six, this clever rabbit knows all the tricks!” In this game, players pick up cards with funny rhyming verses to find out how far to move their Uncle Wiggily tokens along the game path. Along the way meet friends like Billy Bushytail and Cluck-Cluck Hen. But watch out for sneaky Skeezicks and the Skillery-Skallery Alligator! Verse cards also feature numbers and symbols, so kids who cannot read can also play. 2 minutes to learn. 15-20 minutes to play.
For 2 – 4 players, ages 4 and up.
Contents Include: game board, 4 die-cut Uncle Wiggily movers, plastic bases, deck of verse cards and rules.
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 4+.
Contents include: game board, 4 die-cut Uncle Wiggily movers, plastic bases, deck of verse cards and rules