Curses! is the card game of wacky curses (rules) that people give each other; anyone who makes enough slip-ups is out of the game and the last one remaining is the winner.
In a nutshell, at the beginning of your turn you draw a card from the challenge pile, read it aloud and follow the directions on the card. It may say something like, “demonstrate what you would do if you were being attacked by an angry raccoon”. But as the game moves on, you’ll be forced to perform various challenges with the added curse of having to perform them with such Curses! as “you have no fingers; keep your hands in fists at all times”…now that’s quite a curse to have while battling an angry raccoon!
For 3 to 6 players, ages 12 and up!
Contents: 120 game cards, rules sheet and metal bell.
Recommended for 3-6 players, ages 10+.
Contents include: 120 game cards, rules sheet and metal bell