Dino-opoly Game
Dino-opoly is the fun property trading game that’s 150 million years in the making! Extinct for 65 million years, dinosaurs continue to fascinate us. They ruled the planet for 160 million years, but their fossilized remains provide our only clues to their existence. What did they eat? How did they live? How did they look? And most mysteriously… What happened to them?
Step back in time and walk in the ancient footprints of dinosaurs. We’ve gathered dinosaurs ranging from very small to the largest of all and created a fun-filled game. Here’s a quick idea of how to play: Choose your token, buy your favorite dinosaurs, collect Bones, and trade them in for Museum Exhibits.
It sounds easy enough – but pay Hatching Fees, develop Prehistoric Breath, and become Nearly Extinct and it becomes a little more difficult and a lot more fun! It’s your roll! Who knows? You may be going to a 110 millionth year birthday party… or you may end up fossilized and older than dirt! Are you looking for a fun wa to experience dinosaurs? Here it is!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, Property Deed Cards, Question Cards, Dice, Paper Money, Plastic Playing Pieces, Metal Token Pieces (Pick-Axe, Raptor Claw, Stegosaurus, Hatching Egg, T-Rex Skull, Fossil)