Executive GyroMaze
Hey, Corporate Climbers! Try your hand at this tilting, turning test of skill and determination!
We all know that corporate life is no picnic. But don’t worry, now there’s Executive GyroMaze, a sure-fire way for you to hone those office skills, dig out of the trenches, and claw your way to the very top!
Simply guide the metal ball from the “Start” position, by lifting and/or rotating the handle. Just avoid all those pesky pitfalls. Sounds easy, huh?
Single-handedly, with luck and a little practice (OK, LOTS of practice) you’ll eventually develop some life-long skill-sets, like your boss’ favorite: “Do it right – or do it OVER!”
Recommended for 1 player, ages 8+.
Contents include: Plastic Gimbal Gizmo with Base, Handle, and Corporate Mountain Maze, 1 Metal Ball