Hanayama Level 3 Cast Puzzle – Arrows
Hanayama Arrows is designed with 4 arrows stuck in heart – is it love, or a prank by Cupid? Please look carefully at each arrow and pull it out of the heart. Once removed, can you return them? Designed by a new Russian puzzle designer, Andrei Ivanov. Ivanov credits the inspiration for the puzzle on a very old idea of the Four Keys Puzzle, described by Professor Hoffmann in 1893.
Hanayama is known worldwide for challenging puzzles and quality manufacturing. Can you take the pieces apart, then put them back together again? Hanayama cast metal brain teasers have 6 levels of difficulty, and each puzzle is Mensa-rated. Level 3 puzzles are considered moderately challenging by most puzzlers.
Recommended for 1 player, ages 12+.
Contents include: 1 Puzzle