Near the peaks of the Akaishi mountains dwell the imomushi silkworms, who can only survive in that unique environment. Here they produce a silk of exceptional quality in order to protect their eggs from the harsh cold of those altitudes. Become a silkworm shepherd, and with the help of your faithful mastiff, collect the finest silk in the world. Make sure the other shepherds do not sneak their flocks into the best pastures, and ensure that the fearsome ookami stays clear of your lands.
Silk is a gateway game into area control and worker placement systems. Players have to move their silkworms to the optimal spaces so they can feed on the best grass available, while pushing the other players’ pieces into less desirable feeding grounds. In this game, players roll dice in order to determine which actions they are allowed to perform during their turn. There are six types of actions available: breeding more silkworms, moving the shepherd or their mastiff, building fences or farms, moving the ookami monster around the board, and – most importantly – getting your silkworms to feed. When silkworms feed, they generate a number of silk points, depending on the type of terrain they are standing on at that moment. These points can be used to modify the outcome of a dice roll, all while keeping in mind that the player with the most silk points at the end of the game wins!
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 10+.
Contents include: 60 Silkworms, 4 Shepherds, 4 Mastiffs, 16 Nurseries, 4 Silk Point Counters, 1 Ookami, 2 Dice, 20 Walls, 9 Dry Pasture Tiles, 13 Normal Pasture Tiles, 7 Leafy Pasture Tiles, 1 Normal Pasture Tile with the Ookami’s Den, 4 Improvement Markers, 1 Action Board with the Ookami’s Den, 1 Silk Point Scoreboard