Wikipedia: The Game About Everything
Based on the popular, collaborative online encyclopedia, it’s informative, it’s collaborative and it’s fun! The game challenges players with 900 questions about Wiki topics such as Abraham Lincoln, Chocolate, 60’s television… and so many more! Play three exciting Wikipedia games to challenge your brain: Trivia, Page View Ranks, and Disambiguation. In Tirvia, answer three different questions to find out how much you know. With Page View Ranks, guess which related pages get the most number of views… you may be surprised… And with Disambiguation, quickly list as many answers as you can to the given question. How many can you match with the reader? It’s time to find out which of you and your friends knows the most about everything!
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 4 Dry Erase Boards, 4 Dry Erase Markers, 300 Cards, Sand Timer, 100 Tokens, Instructions